
Welcome to SOS: Surviving on Stamps!  Here you will discover food stamp recipes and great tips for cooking healthy meals on a tight budget.


SOS is your resource for when you are in a pinch and need a little bit of encouragement and inspiration as you build as more prosperous future for yourself and your family.

Whether you’re seeking a financial boost or crave a healthier lifestyle, I’ll show you how live simply, be healthy, and fall in love with this unique way of life.

Wishing you successful $tamping,



  1. Sarah, what is a good recipe for cash strapped tennis players? I am back at Bragg for 7 weeks and only have a microwave. Hope you are well and still hitting. Kevin Wells

    • Hey Kevin! I’ve been playing a lot of tennis here in Columbus. I found an awesome Meetups group, and my game has improved dramatically since the last time we’ve hit.

      Only a microwave? That’s tough, but not impossible. I don’t recommend cooking raw chicken in the microwave … it would get pretty rubbery. I’ve never tried it, but I do think ground beef (80/20) would turn out half decent. Then you could use it to make tacos, pasta (microwave a bowl of pasta in water), sloppy joes …

      Another options is to visit Bragg ‘n Barn or another thrift store and pick up a slow cooker. Usually thrift stores sell them for under $10, and they are a common find. That way you can make really great chickens, pot roasts, pork chops …

      Third, I’ve discovered a decent frozen food brand called Kahiki. These Asian products can be microwaved, and if you add just 1/3 to 1/2 of the sauce it is quite healthy. You can find the products at Walmart, Food Lion, and Harris Teeter.

      Lastly, go raw with Thai peanut salads, smoothies, parfaits, bean salsas/salads, and sushi.

      Hope this helps! Feel free to give me a call, and let me know if you create a winning recipe. Keep in touch!

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